PILINHA: {__webCacheId=filmBasicInfo_pl_PL, __webCacheKey=10049033}
4,9 212
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Pełna emocji opowieść o losach Polaków i Ukraińców, w pierwszych dniach i miesiącach wojny w Ukrainie. Ukraińców, których z domów w ojczyźnie wypędziła wojna, przyjęli w swoich domach Polacy. Otworzyli swoje serca dla uchodźców, których życie legło w gruzach. To opowieść o sile miłości, nadziei i przyjaźni. O tym, że przetrwać możemy tylko razem.

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When the war in Ukraine broke out, Poland was swept by an extraordinary wave of solidarity. Polish people were eager to help the refugees in any possible way they could. The series tells the story of Basia and Tadeusz, a Polish couple in crisis, who live in the huge, wealthy house of Magda Lipińska, an authoritative and strong-willed mother-in-law. Thanks to Basia and Tadeusz two refugees from Ukraine arrive at the in-laws' house - Anna and little Varya. Unwillingly, but to keep up appearances, Magda lets them stay in her house. This unexpected situation creates numerous comedic but also heartwarming moments. The arrival of refugees initially deepens the marriage crisis of the young couple, but it ultimately saves their relationship. The series talks about people warmly. Although it does not explicitly show the brutality of war, it focuses on its consequences in ordinary people’s lives.

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